Cupertino IoT Club

Welcome to TinoIoT! Read our pinned posts below to get started : )

Ring Door Bell Clone Part 1

By TinoIoT Officers

February 13, 2021

In this project we will be using the ESP32-CAM to create a Ring Door Bell type device. This small microcontroller…

Control LED Lights

By Shrinandan Narayanan

October 6, 2020

This tutorial will walk you through how to build your own RGB lights that can be controlled from the internet!…

Air Quality Sensor

By Mabel Lu

September 20, 2020

With ongoing fires, air pollution, and many harmful impurities in the air, it’s important to understand how the data you…

Sending Sensor Data to ThingSpeak (esp32)

By William Mincher

August 22, 2020

This project is meant to give you a practical example of what you can do with IoT skills. We will…

Sending Sensor Data to ThingSpeak (RasPi)

By William Mincher

August 12, 2020

This project is meant to give you a practical example of what you can do with IoT skills. We will…