Cupertino IoT Club

Welcome to TinoIoT! Read our pinned posts below to get started : )

Our Links

October 05, 2020

By TinoIoT Officers

Meeting link

Make sure you are using your student account (we won’t allow-in any other!) Right click on the link above -> Copy link address to save

Membership Form

Use this form to join our official communication channels!

Past Curriculum Slides

Revisit some of our old lessons to learn the fundamentals of software, hardware, and electric engineering!

Past Meeting Recordings

You can use this (or our meeting debriefs) to catch up on our lessons on IoT fundamentals. We will also post tutorial highlights on there to get you started on your own IoT adventures.

Parts Request Form

Looking for sensors, MCs, boards, wires, and more? Perhaps we have some. Fill out the form to get in contact with us : )

Introduction Slides

Quickly learn about what we do in the form of 8 slides!

Short Link To This Page

Feel free to share this with your friends and introduce them to IoT in a quick way


As always, feel free to message us with any questions regarding IoT.

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