Cupertino IoT Club

Welcome to TinoIoT! Read our pinned posts below to get started : )

About Us

By Krisha Chokshi

August 18, 2021

The TinoIOT (Internet Of Things) Club’s primary objective revolves around the introduction and promotion of engineering and collaboration. Our mission…

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Q & A

Common Questions

By Ethan Zhang

September 24, 2020

Hi everyone! Below is a list of commonly asked questions (along with answers) during the first meeting today. Feel free…

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First Meeting of Second Semester

By TinoIoT Officers

January 12, 2021

Hi everyone! Make sure to join our meeting today at 12pm with to learn about what projects we will…


Our Links

By TinoIoT Officers

October 5, 2020

Make sure you are using your student account (we won’t allow-in any other!) Right click on the link above ->…

All About IoT

By Shrinandan Narayanan

August 22, 2020

IoT, internet of things, refers to the billions of physical devices that are connected to each other via the internet…